Reaching into Closed Countries One Conversation at a Time

Each year, thousands of people from the Middle East travel to European cities for work, vacation, shopping, medical purposes and more.

It’s in this time of freedom from their home countries that our Gulf Partnership Outreach teams approach tens of thousands of people with the truth about Jesus — talking about faith and sharing Christ-centered books and other resources with men and women searching for truth.
Last summer, two of our team members were sitting on a bench and started a conversation with a Middle Eastern man and his wife.

They shared the gospel, that Jesus loved them, and that He came to save ALL people, not just Christians.  Tweet

The man listened but wasn’t convinced. “I need to leave,” he said.

“But my wife can stay. She is the daughter of one of the influential leaders of the Middle East. If you can convince her, then you may be able to convince the whole country!”  Tweet

So our team sat with Myriam, the man’s wife, and shared more. She listened attentively, and promised to watch the DVD we gave her and read the injeel (New Testament).
“What a divine appointment!” our team members exclaimed. “Usually men don’t allow their wives to talk privately with our people!”
Please join us in lifting Myriam up in prayer, as her position of influence could open so many doors. If you’d like to help us get ready for this year’s Gulf Partnership Outreach, consider giving to supply the books, DVDs and other resources, translated into Arabic, that our teams will use to share the truth this summer.


*Names and images may have been changed for security purposes.

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