Austin Fruits

Conoce a Austin

Austin es un orador cristiano empoderado y equipado para impactar a una generación que lucha y busca con las buenas nuevas de Jesucristo.
Con una pasión por la apologética, el evangelismo y la integridad, Austin brinda una voz relevante y auténtica. Después de graduarse de Liberty University con un título en Psicología y Consejería, Austin se desempeñó como asistente personal de Josh McDowell, viajó a 14 países y habló con miles de personas. Austin, recién graduado de la Escuela de Teología Talbot, ha hablado en los Estados Unidos y en el extranjero para diversas audiencias y es un colaborador habitual de las publicaciones del blog .

Disponible para hablar sobre estos temas:

  • Generación de medicamentos
  • Desarmando Dudas

Talk Topics

doubt god

Desarmando Dudas

Doubts and questions can cripple our confidence and shake our identity. Oftentimes, doubts are thought to be satisfied by intellectual answers and reason, but they are just as much emotional, raising the fear that we are all alone. In this breakout session, Austin Fruits shares how to understand your intellectual and emotional doubts, wrestle well with others, and seek truth with humility.

Generación de medicamentos

For 11 years I struggled with compulsive pornography use. I thought it was my problem, but it was really just my medication; medication for my unmet longings. You see, unmet longings lead to unwanted behaviors. God created us to deeply desire acceptance, intimacy, worth, and purpose, but when those desires go unmet we often cope in unhealthy ways. We go to Netflix, social media, pornography, and many other things to fill the void that we feel. But fulfillment is possible and Paul helps us see the solution in Ephesians 4: a God who knows us intimately, flaws and all, yet still loves us. He can ultimately satisfy our God given longings with his good design.

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