A Note from Josh: Healthy Dads

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In my last few notes I’ve shared with you the crucial role that healthy dads play in their kids’ lives. Let me share just a few stats to prove this point.

U.S. youth from fatherless homes more often:

*Drop out of high school.

*Become sexually active and face unplanned pregnancies.
*Experience higher rates of abuse and neglect.

*Exhibit behavioral disorders, addictions, and contemplate or attempt suicide.
*Choose to run away, with many living homeless.

*Serve time in juvenile centers, if not also adult prisons.

But just having dads at home won’t fully solve these issues. Our youth need dads who are engaged, loving, and supportive. The bottom line: Kids need healthy dads who aren’t still reacting to life from their own prison of unhealed emotional wounds.

I know this from personal experience, as my dad was the town drunk. I despised him, especially because he physically abused my mom after he drank. I walked into adulthood with plenty of pent up rage.

The reality is that hurting boys become hurting men, until they choose to break the cycle. But it can take a lot of work to get there. I gained freedom by being willing to go through counseling, and by fully accepting God’s amazing love for me. That can be really hard for males who do not have a positive father figure.

Will you do me a favor? 

If you know a guy still stuck in his pain, would you share this link to our Movimiento de Resolución! (contenido en inglés)? It’s our educational program that combines brain science with biblical truth to help people break the chains of their anger, shame, anxiety, depression, and addictions. With God’s help, it’s never too late to live free. Trust me; I know!
My dad learned this, too! When he accepted Christ after my near-fatal car accident in college, Dad was completely changed! We enjoyed many good times together before he went to be with Jesus. I hope you can reconcile with your dad, too. I’m praying for you!

Josh D. McDowell
P.S. Watch Inquebrantable, the movie about my childhood. It starts out sad, but the outcome is awesome!



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