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Happy, loving people are people who share the most love.

“Make every effort to apply the benefits of these promises to your life.” 2 Peter 1:5

Hacia la Plenitud blog #heridascuradasporcompleto

Durante más de 50 años, Josh McDowell el Ministerio de Josh McDowell ha guiado a los indagadores hacia un conocimiento más profundo de la verdad y el poder de Dios. Te ofrecemos nuestro acumulado conocimiento e investigación para ayudarte a encontrar la verdad y el estímulo para vivir una vida sana e íntegra en Cristo.

Happy, Loving People?

Would any of these famous, powerful, and wealthy people make the list of the happiest people in the history of the world?

Not quite. And for one very good reason: Their lives were characterized by hate, and a hateful person is never a happy person. Think about it. The happiest people you know are those who love other people. That’s the way it works.

God commands us to love one another because He knows that hate diminishes our ability to love, and love expands it. He knows that people who act in love experience love twice: once when they give it away, and again when they receive it back. He knows that happy, loving people radiate love, which brings His light and joy to the world. 

When we choose to obey God, and focus on reflecting His love to others, He blesses us with joy and happiness. God is always pleased when we focus on loving others.

REFLECT: Who are the happiest people you know? Are their lives characterized by hate or love?
ACT: Do something loving for a friend or family member, and note how it makes you feel. 
PRAY: “Your love for me, God, makes me happy. And sharing Your love with others makes me happy because it pleases You. Help me to grow in my ability to selflessly love others. Help people to see Your reflection in me, so that I can tell them about Your love.”


  • Join us in our February Hacia la Plenitud posts as we explore the topic of love.
    Do we really know what “love” is, and how to show it?
  • Catch up on our Juntos en una Aventura ¡Experimenta a Dios de una manera más profunda!
  • Learn how to begin a personal relationship with God. Start aquí.

Adapted from, Love Can Make You Happy, February 14,  One-Year Book of Josh McDowell’s Youth Devotions. © 1996, 2003, 2019 Josh McDowell Ministry. All rights reserved. Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright 1996. Used by permission.

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